Get your own angel message Here

Hello Dear Ones,

We are here with you whether you believe in us or not. Just like you can't see electricity, it is here for you to plug your lights into, run your refrigerator, washing machine, stove, TV's and computers. You don't necessarily see us either, but we are here to help light your path through your life here on earth. Everything is energy, whether it be electricity, your bodies, angels, thoughts, water...Everything is energy vibrating at different speeds...Energy is here for you to use. Including US!

We invite you to read this small meditation then STOP and DO the exercise:

Close your eyes and take a deep, slow breath through your nose...

Let it out through your mouth....Take another deep breath and exhale, slowly....

Feel the air on your face...We are as close as your breath...

Feel our presence...Become still for just a minute or two...

Rest in our presence...Listen to our messages just for you....

When you are ready come back and resume reading...

We love you unconditionally. Remember this if you don't remember anything else. WE LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY! We are always here to help you but since you were born with FREE WILL, we aren't allowed to butt in. Only when you give us permission can we help you. Talk to us! How? Many ways. Just think of us and we can hear you. We can read your thoughts, so all you have to do is think about us and we hear you. But if you want to talk out loud to us, that's wonderful We like that too. Its your choice! Have you ever thought of writing to us? Try this exercise. Pick up a piece of paper and a pen. Write on the top of your paper:

Dear (fill in your name)

I love you and I want you to know... Now stop writing, take a few deep cleansing breaths and then begin writing the first thing that comes to your mind. It doesn't matter if it sounds goofy, or if its written in poetry or scribbled...just write until you don't "hear" any more thoughts. Congratulations, you have just received an angel message.. The more you practice, the easier it will be for us to tune into you and give you even more messages.

In closing, we come to you in dreams, through songs, through whispers, through other people, so keep listening for our special messages for you. We love you forever and always...Until next time...LOVE!

For an angel reading and other readings, click here

Last updated 07/27/2011
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