Did you know that YOU are a POWERHOUSE OF INTELLIGENT, ABUNDANT ENERGY? It's true. The Inexhaustible, unfailing energy of the Universe is AVAILABLE to each of us. Actually it is part of us, the energy with which we were born.  Because our Creator can't tap us on the shoulder and say," I have all this wonderful energy and intelligence for you,"  you were born with a wonderful mechanism called INTUITION. Intuition is our pathway to our inborn, UNLIMITED INTELLIGENCE.

It is important that we KNOW and BELIEVE we have this ENDLESS SUPPLY OF INTELLIGENT ENERGY.  Why? Because by knowing that this DYNAMIC, POWERFUL FORCE is available to us, we can begin to use it creatively and intelligently to bring to us our desires.

We use some of this energy every day whether we are aware of it or not. When we're angry, fearful, jealous, depressed, feeling poor, we are using our powers negatively. Most of the time we live our lives unaware of this MIGHTY POWERHOUSE OF ENERGY that we have at our fingertips. Of course no one has tapped into their total powers yet. Even Jesus, who performed miracles, promised that we could do more than he did. So, knowing we have the potential to accomplish even greater miracles than our teacher, Jesus, what are we waiting for?

How do we begin using our endless supply of strength and power? One way is BELIEVING WE HAVE IT! If we don't know this energy force is available to us then we're not using it to better our lives. We're just using it haphazardly or even worse - negatively. Another way to begin using this DYNAMIC POWER is by calming our minds and becoming quiet and peaceful. Then we can begin to hear, feel, or sense our intuition, the "still small voice," within, which speaks to us through our imagination. When we experience those ideas that come from "out of the blue", it is our intuition speaking to us. Or when we feel those gut-level feelings that tell us we're on the right track.

LOVE is the driving force behind this energy. Actually it is the SOURCE OF ALL the power in the UNIVERSE. Let's look at this another way. Say you love yourself so much that you want to be good to yourself.. That's exactly what you're here to do! So, when you love yourself enough to want what's best for yourself then you're becoming open to the TRUE ABUNDANCE OF THE UNIVERSE. Because your Creator created you for good and when you're really tuned in to the highest and best, you will want EVERYONE to be prosperous too! You will know that there is enough abundance for everyone!

We are free to use this power any way we want. Because we were given the freedom to think any way we wish. We were also given free will along with this DYNAMIC POWER. The nature or essence of our thoughts are DIRECTLY RELATED TO OUR EXPERIENCES. Thus, if we think loving thoughts we will be more open to receiving abundance, love, peace, joy, health, and whatever else we could want. Of course we are allowed to worry, because of our freedom, but if we worry then we're actually WISHING FOR THE WORST!

Imagine what happens when we wish for the worst! We feel heavy, discouraged, unhappy, mean, nasty, vindictive, etc. How much abundance will we attract into our lives with that kind of attitude?

To learn more about YOUR SPECIAL POWERS FOR SUCCESS AND PROSPERITY, click here to order your consultation. I am a Motivational and Spiritual Counselor. As a Certified Voyager Tarot Consultant, an Astrologer, Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer, I have many tools to help you find your SPECIAL POWERS FOR SUCCESS AND PROSPERITY and BECOME EXCITED ABOUT LIFE AGAIN!

click here to order your reading.

Last updated 07/27/2011

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